416.829.2820   |   info@thelaundrydepot.com
Full service Personal Laundry, Dry Cleaner, Specialty Cleaner, Repair Centre, and Fur Storage Facility.

Suede has always been in fashion from Elvis� �Blue Suede Shoes�, to the latest fashion trends on the runway today. Stylish, beautiful, and long lasting, suede apparel should be a staple in any wardrobe. These pieces probably represent a sizable investment for you. Professional care is absolutely essential in the maintenance of these garments. The Laundry Depot is a professional dry cleaning and laundry service with an expertise in suede care and cleaning. Suede is the inside skin (also called the hide) of an animal that is tanned in order to preserve it. Special treatment and buffing raises the nap and gives the surface a velvety look and feel. Chemicals and oils make it possible to add dyes and finishes. The surface of suede has no protective barrier and is therefore prone to soiling and staining. If staining occurs, don't try to remove the spots at home. You risk damaging your garment. Never use chemical fluid or a spot remover on suede as the colour of the garment will run and you will actually get light rings around the stain. Send the stained garment to The Laundry Depot as soon as possible so that the stain doesn�t become permanent. We will carefully inspect each garment for stains, signs of wear, fading, or damage prior to cleaning. The Laundry Depot uses an environmentally safe cleaning system with biodegradable additives. After cleaning, our skilled suede refinishers are able to re-dye your garment to restore any fading that has occurred through wear and make them look like new again. We include complementary waterproofing with every cleaning to help stop rain marks and keep liquid stains from soaking deeply into the garment.

The Laundry Depot has some helpful advice for you before purchasing suede apparel. Always do your shopping at a reputable retailer. Make sure that the garments are not overly tight fitting. During the tanning process the hides are stretched considerably. Therefore in the course of wearing your garment and in the cleaning process, some shrinkage is to be expected. Save all care labels and hang tags. When you send your garment/garments to The Laundry Depot, send the care labels and hang tags as well. Examine the garment to ensure that the panels match very closely in colour and texture. It is virtually impossible to have an exact match. If you are buying a multi-piece outfit, make sure that all of the pieces match closely as well.

In between cleanings at the Laundry Depot, there are things that you can do at home to protect and care for your suede garments. Suede is very susceptible to scuffing or becoming flattened with wear. To liven it up, brush the suede with a special suede brush. The brushing will help to remove surface oils. The Laundry Depot recommends that you use a soft rubber, bristle brush, or a wire suede brush. Do not rub too hard and do it in a gentle circular motion. If your suede garment gets wet, air dry it away from any heat source. Suede can dry out if it is exposed to heat and it can mildew if it is stored in a hot and humid environment. Never store your suede apparel in plastic bags. Send your suede garments to The Laundry Depot for cleaning before storing them for the season. Always keep them in a cool, ventilated area.
The Laundry Depot are experts in the repair, alterations, and remodeling of your suede garments. We can update your jacket or coat by removing shoulder pads, altering the lapels, or changing the cuffs. Refresh and renew your suede apparel with new linings, pockets, and zippers. We can repair tears, re-sew buttons, or replace missing buttons and snaps.
Fashion trends may come and go, but suede is here to stay. The Laundry Depot will continue to keep your suede apparel in �good as new� condition.

Please call 416.829.2820 or info@thelaundrydepot.com